million air

Million or millions?

According to a recent census, there are 265 millions people living in Indonesia.

Yes, I know it seems right. But it isn't.

When million is the main noun

Only put an 's' on million when million is the main noun in a noun phrase, for example when it is at the beginning of a sentence, like this:

Millions of people live in Indonesia, a huge archipelago in south-east Asia.

..or inside a sentence like this:

Indonesia spends millions of dollars every year subsidising fuel.

In the noun phrase millions of peoplemillions is the main noun, modified by of people. We know exactly which millions you're talking about - not millions of bananas, for example! The same goes for millions of dollars (not millions of rupiah!).

When million is NOT the main noun

When million is modifying another noun, don't add an 's':

According to a recent census, there are 265 million people living in Indonesia.

In the noun phrase 265 million people living in Indonesia, the main noun is people. All of the other words in the phrase give us information about people - how many, and where they live.

The same rule applies to hundred(s), thousand(s), etc.