Experience or experiences?
Against the misuse of 'against'
Lack (of)
Inaccurate due to 'because of'
Why is..?
Himself, Herself, Theirselves(?)
Affected by 'Affect to'
Thank(s) God
To + __ing (?!)
Age in Task 1
Directions: 'pass'
Reporting verbs: tenses
Missing verb
Fixed expressions are cool!
Have you done your homework?
'Could' or 'Was able to'
Book or film?
Using grammar to communicate 'Which one(s)?'
The smartest use of articles
Reaching a peak in IELTS Task 1
Being trendy without 'trend'
Nothing needs high cost
Time and the meaningless __ing
Saying what you mean with 'used to'
Change in graphs, tables and charts
Not Tuesday! Thursday!
Paying (for) basic needs
Are the benefits beneficial?
Humans are usually redundant
Your yard is not 'wide'
Remember, Memorise, Reminder
Search - Search for
It's depend
As 'sebagai'
Elder, elderly, older people
Common collocates with verbs
Incomplete passives
In terms of #2
Contrasting with 'while'
Linkin' Text
WH Questions
Sentence Fragment
Cause effect structures
Random Academic Collocations
Collocations Quiz
These or Those
It This Theme Rheme
I am here
Lack of 'lack'
The this, the that
Big cows, big horse, because
(A) few, (a) little
Phonemic Alphabet
Demand(s) (for)
Prepare (for)
Raise or Rise
Costumer Customers
Pronoun substitution and an alternative
Countable AND Uncountable(?!)
Look it up!
Guess the word!
AWL Hangman
(At) (the) universit(y/ies)
To be or not to be possessive?
Stress caused by 'stress'
Processes and stages
'Like with like' in Task 1
Missing nouns
Spend, spend, spend!
Considering 'consider'
Nominalisation Yin and 'Yang'
In (the) first place
Nouns modifying nouns
Opinion in Task 2 Introductions
Ways that have to be done
'Other' in Task 1
When 's' is not enough
Subjects in Task 1
People and persons
No comparison
Present continuous and scheduled events
Concerning 'concern'
Lazy to read
Is it worth it?
Same as or Same with?
Task 2 Introductions - Sentence #1
Opinion in topic sentences
Performance and Appearance
Some People
No Money No Honey
Lemon Squeezy
The Impact Song
Consumptive consumers
When risk is risky
All of them everywhere
Work quotes - shuffled
In terms of
The blah blah sector
Labouring over 'labourers'
When 'existence' should not exist
Idiom flipcards
Crime or Crimes
How often in IELTS Speaking
Have you used present perfect recently?
Being economical with the economy
Easy can be difficult
When usually is unusual
Every time / All the time
Use or Wear
Articles - General rules
Using fillers to avoid hesitation
Supergroups and Percentages in IELTS Task 1
Memorising and remembering memories
Making people able with 'enable'
When 'enough' is too much
Less common vocabulary
Idiomatic language
People's lives
Coherence and Cohesion (CC)
Ask (for)
Add 's' by George
IELTS Band Descriptors
Know (of)
Beware of Past Perfect
The price is NOT expensive
Avoid or Prevent?
One of
Present tenses explained
Past tenses explained
Perfect tenses explained
Conjunction Sandwich
Can/Could Will/Would Probability/Ability
You are NOT a staff!
Subject-Verb Agreement
Each and every ONE of them
Parallel Structures
Could or Can
Should or Have to
Use or Usage
Million or Millions
Even is NOT bahkan
Most or Most of?
It or this? Theme or Rheme?
And besides
There is Ada
When 'become' is NOT becoming
Youths and young people
Goodbye to 'By'
The Society
Have an impact on
Cannot also can